Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Controlling Acne Effectively

Acne is an unsightly skin condition that occurs mostly during the pubescent period. The most common form of acne namely, Acne Vulgaris occurs due to clogging of the skin pores by excess sebum and dead skin cells. Bacterial growth in the clogged follicle results in inflammation. Moderate forms of acne consist of papules and pustules, while severe forms result in nodules and cysts that are seen as painful lumps. By seeking early treatment, you can minimize scarring because inflammation progresses with time and increases the chances of scarring.

The first step in controlling acne is to understand the condition. If you understand the cause and mechanism of this dreaded skin condition, you are most likely to adopt an appropriate treatment regime and stick to it consistently. Therefore, recovery will be fast and complications will be less. A healthy routine will be very helpful to control acne:

  1. Take adequate fluids and adopt a balanced diet to promote skin health
  2. Exercise on a regular basis to enhance blood circulation and combat stress
  3. Shampoo your hair frequently if your are prone to dandruff as dandruff and oily hair can aggravate acne
  4. Maintain personal hygiene, particularly with your pillow cases and towels
  5. Never pick the pimples because impatient picking will invariably lead to scars
Topical applications are helpful, but you must ensure that your biological functions and body metabolism are healthy enough to maintain natural clear skin. Therefore, your diet must contain lots of fruits and vegetables with low-sugar and low-fat foods. You can take a vitamin supplement as vitamins provide a natural acne treatment with their antioxidant characteristics and other properties that tone up the skin. Clearade acne treatment works by delivering the right dose of Vitamin B5 to manage the oil metabolism in your skin. As your body begins to regulate oil, you can be acne free in a natural way.

Most of the common acne-control agents contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These ingredients target the accumulated debris in the skin pores and remove them. They are available in the form of creams, gels, ointments and liquids. Acne soap-washes contain sulfur that treats the acne gently and aids in healing the skin.

When it comes to cosmetics, they can only camouflage acne and not treat them or prevent them. It is in your best interest to use water-based cosmetics rather than oil based. Dermatologists usually advise preventive measures including careful external and internal hygiene and exclusion of certain foods. These measures maintained at every phase of the treatment will definitely prevent re-occurrence. Natural treatment approaches focus on enhancing liver function, so as to eliminate toxins that could worsen acne. In this regard, it is good to include the right food in your diet. For instance, you can consume green tea, which is anti-inflammatory and detoxifying, and also prevents hormonal over-activity.

Prescription acne products include tretinoin, Adapalene and Accutane. Doctors may also prescribe oral antibiotics like tetracycline and monocycline to arrest the acne symptoms. However, side effects are almost unavoidable and medical intervention is sought only if you are pushed to such a despondent situation. A more recent innovation uses light to treat acne outbreaks. The underlying concept is that the acne-causing bacteria absorb particular wavelengths of light and create free radicals. The highly reactive free radicals destroy these bacteria and reduce the recurrence of acne problem.

Regardless of the treatment you adopt, you should give it a try for a set period of time, say thirty days. Only a disciplined approach will help you see results.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6909480

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